
How to make a narcissist obsessed with you
How to make a narcissist obsessed with you

You have every right to acknowledge this feeling, and every right to feel better. When you feel overwhelmed in life, take a break and be kind to yourself. Don’t be so rough on yourself, you made it through on your own. Recovering from such a childhood requires that you give that compassion to yourself. Instead, you were probably undermined, but you made it. You probably never got the compassion you needed and deserved. You’ve done well so far, getting through a very difficult childhood. It’s a well-known narcissistic manipulation tactic. He may express seemingly sincere concern for your mental wellbeing, but this is one of his tricks. When, in reality, that’s what he’s doing. He may claim you’re remembering things wrong or making things up. He may tell you that you’re wrong when you’re obviously right. It’s very common that a narcissistic father tries to make you believe that you’re delusional or crazy. That’s simply how it is to manage an inherently selfish father. This might feel like you’re having to discipline a problematic child. Make it clear why you’re putting your foot down. You will have to set firm boundaries and enforce consequences if he crosses the line. He may intentionally give presents only to the person he prefers, just to play mind games. He may defy your family rules to spite you. He may show up uninvited to your home or events. Assert Your BoundariesĪ narcissistic father will often cross your boundaries simply to prove that he can. You won’t find him very willing to compromise or concede on issues. He may value his ability to manipulate you above having a functional family relationship.

how to make a narcissist obsessed with you

It’s his way or the highway, as far as he’s concerned. A narcissistic father thrives on the sense of control.

how to make a narcissist obsessed with you

That’s not how a narcissistic mind works. You probably prefer a solution that’s mutually agreeable. Realize that His Behaviour is More than just Difficult This comprehensive article will help you survive and deal with your narcissistic father. You may suffer a lot of issues without realizing what’s wrong. Growing up with a father who fits this profile can take a severe toll on your mental wellbeing. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is most signified by: This can make your relationship a nightmare, and cause you mental issues along the way. Problematic, immature and selfish behaviour can be a sign of pathological narcissism.

how to make a narcissist obsessed with you

  • Mindfulness: Cultivating Joy and Gratitudeĭo you struggle with a narcissistic father?.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD).

  • How to make a narcissist obsessed with you